think on it long and hard "DO WE REALLY UNDERSTAND OURSELVES?" the answer for me is a resounding "YES" as i knew early in life who and what i was... you may ask who and what am i ??? well.. the answer is simple my real first name is ray and i am a bottom submissive to men... for you it may not be that simple you may have a situation where you cannot be as open about who you are but.... that's ok you are a person and you are who GOD in HIS wisdom wanted you to be so be proud of who and what you are and to the nay sayers tell them where they can now go....

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  • I am who I am. My pride and/or self-loathing comes from my interactions with other thinking humans; some are nice, some are nasty. Flying spaghetti monsters be damned!

    However, I do believe there is a 'force' in the universe that becomes apparent when there is a structure for it to be reflected from or refracted through. That structure could be a galaxy, a molecule, an atom, a tree, rock, brain, rain, prism... structure is where the nothingness of existence starts to make sense and enjoy itself.
    PDQuesnell 02/07/2013 02:04 PM
  • I think I have completed my requisite midlife identity crisis already. I used to stay up wondering what my purpose is or what's the point of it all. Till I discovered existential nihilism and accepted it wholeheartedly - because it went well with my other beliefs. I'm an atheist and I'm okay with my belief that the Universe, and my existence does not have a purpose, and that when I die, I will cease to exist. In any plane of existence, and that there's nothing waiting for me at the other end (which does not exist for me). I find it comforting, and it makes me want to enjoy my life even more and make it more worthwhile (whatever that entails).

    As for understanding myself.. I'm content with the realization that I CANNOT define myself with any limited set of terms, and who I am (or who I perceive I am) will keep changing at any given point of that. I'm all of the labels, and at any time, a small selection of that huge potentially infinite subset of terms and labels. And I'm okay with that. And I'm content with the fact that I don't have to limit myself to other people's definitions.. I feel it gives me freedom to change constantly and still retain some semblance of identity. That takes care of all those feelings of guilt and doubt and indecision, not to mention all those sleepless nights wasted in meandering vexing thoughts.

    All I know is I am a part of the Universe, and the Universe is a part of me. Literally. Like Carl Sagan beautifully said, We are all star stuff.

    aliencubby 02/06/2013 12:02 PM
  • I am and have been gay all my life with no help from god. Once I told my family I was gay and they accepted me, there was not a person or religion that could ever make me feel inferior again. There have been ups and downs and good times and lots of bad, but that would have happened whether I was David or the Queen of England.
    fenwaydav 02/06/2013 11:51 AM
  • Awesome! It took me a long time to get to that point, but I am comfortable with who I am too. God is important in my life, and I am aware that He is charge. He has shown me that over and again, but especially in the last 3months. Hell. I can even accept that a very young guy loves me for me and not what I can do for him.I am a happy versatile gay man who has a beautiful loving guy to call my own, and he can say that I am his
    trkdrvr1959 02/06/2013 11:21 AM