Martin Shkreli who raised the price of a 60 year old drug and raised the price 5000% was arrested today.

He wasn't arrested for his despicable actions raising the price on a 60 year old drug 5000% but for securities fraud. Seems he thought the hedge fund he ran was a piggy bank meant to bankroll his excessive lifestyle. Karma bites him in the ass.

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  • Idiot......
    fenwaydav 12/19/2015 04:36 AM
  • His action in the drug market is why we spend 17% of our GDP on healthcare when other countries that have universal health care spend less than 10%.

    Company A buys competing drugs from Company B. They dramatically raise the price of both the competing drug and their own. The hospitals and doctors prescribe them anyway, they aren't paying for it. Hospitals continue to use them, they pass on the cost plus. The insurance companies don't care, they simply pass on the cost to their rate payers. People without coverage get screwed.
    txholdup 12/18/2015 03:52 PM
  • This piece of shit was arrested because he potentially defrauded wealthy investors, NOT because he made life impossible for some sick folks. It goes to show that if you are rich, the law looks out for you; if you are poor, you're on your own and authorities don't even recognize the crime.

    He is a jerk any way you look at it. That entitled smirk reminds me of someone.
    rjzip 12/18/2015 11:40 AM
  • Playing the devil's advocate, Shkreli's drug wasn't really commonly prescribed - it was kind of a designer drug, and even with his jacked up price, it wouldn't have affected the normal person seeking the drug - because it wouldn't have been prescribed in most cases.
    That said, he's still a massive douchebag, and deserves the karmic backlash he's getting. He recently paid $2 Million to buy the only copy of a Wu Tang Clan, effectively making sure no one else listens to it (as the band intended) - that in itself, is not a big deal, but even for a non-violent guy like me, his smug face makes me want to punch him. =/
    aliencubby 12/18/2015 10:22 AM
  • Smug little prick ain't so arrogant now is he? Karma indeed!
    headw8tr 12/18/2015 08:18 AM
  • When it comes to big business, justice isn't often served. That makes it all the much sweeter when it is :)
    BearinFW 12/18/2015 03:55 AM
  • Good. What a slimeball that guy is.
    Marc 12/17/2015 07:01 PM