Francis I

After 12 years of Catholic education it isn't hard to lose ones' faith. There were the sadistic nuns, the alcoholic priests and those who thought little boys are toys put on this earth for them to use and abuse.

The first time I ever had sex was on a weekend trip to St. Procopius Seminary where a group of us were sent to see if we had a "vocation". I did but it wasn't what they had in mind. But that is another tale for another time.

For years I had no interest in the Catholic Church and I still don't. But I can't help but be impressed by the new pope, Francis I. His latest action in removing a German Bishop for excessive spending is a clear message that he is serious about changing the Catholic Church.

Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-ven Elst aka the Bishop of Bling was removed for spending over $40,000,000 to renovate his residence including $20,000 for a bathtub and $1,000,000 for the gardens. In Germany the state collects taxes on Jews, Catholics and Lutherans and funnels that money to the churches. The tax is almost equal to a tithe so funds available to the Catholic Church in Germany are plentiful.

Francis I has shown by example that he is serious about the vow of poverty which all priests take. He has taken a simple room instead of the lavish Vatican apartment most popes have used. For the first time ever the Vatican Bank released a public accounting of it's income. Gone is the Pope Mobile and he recently dismissed the Vatican representative to the Dominican Republic who was accused of being a pedophile.

His famous on plane interview where he said the Church was overly concerned about homosexuality and birth control was an overdue change of emphasis. While I don't see gay marriage being blessed by the Church in my lifetime it is nice to know that others like me may not have to grow up and realize that the horrible people the priests were talking about were them.

It will be a welcome change if the Church returns to the mission it once had of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless instead of building edifices that mock the poverty of most who use them.

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  • Yes Barney and Jacker you make good points. In fact that is at the heart of what is wrong in Washington these days. At one point in time Dems and Reps could disagree and then go play golf together. Now they castigate each other as enemies as if there is only one way to look at things.
    txholdup 10/28/2013 10:57 AM
  • Thank you jacker for making the only real good point here. It is about respect. If you can't make a point or debate someone without having to use slurs and innuendo's you show yourself to be lacking in respect for the people and the process.
    barney290 10/28/2013 09:18 AM
  • Ya know there are two people here, who should have gone to Catholic school. They would have been taught respect. You do not have to like Obama or Francis. But when you disrespect them and their positions, by calling them Mr. and the dope, you disrespect yourself.
    jacker 10/27/2013 10:43 PM
  • I don't believe the Catholic Church was obsessed with gay marriage, abortion or birth control in the 2nd Century. I could be very wrong but pretty much gays were quiet, birth control was a sock on your cock and abortion well who the hell knows what they did back then.

    All I really wanted to say is that for once a pope has impressed me. Of course he has issues but don't we all. While I have no use for organized religion of whatever stripe it would be a good thing if the Catholic Church got back to its original mission which were outlined by the beatitudes. The Catholic Church was at one time very good at feeding the poor, clothing the naked and housing the homeless and you didn't have to buy into the church dogma to receive the charity.

    Along the way the Church became a tool of conquest used very ably by the Spanish, French and Portuguese in domesticating native peoples. Some of the first use of slaves was by the church in colonial Amerika. Then it became a corporation and like all corporations protected the CEO and executives above all. Perhaps this man has a chance to change it for the better. I do wish him well in that mission. I won't be going back but it would be nice to see the Church change back from a corporation to a church again.
    txholdup 10/26/2013 03:48 PM
  • Hmmm; ¿did a black president of the US o A make the difference, say: less wars, say: no extrajudicial executions, say: no tortured prisoners, say: no guantánamo? Would a woman leading the vatican make any difference (the shoes, of course, but beside of that?) ?
    If the big ocean liner has a destiny, it doesn't matter who the captain is. As long as religions claim for the fulfillment of their dogmas, for the ONLY truth that leads to --- paradise, that is, after death, that is, nobody will ever be able to confirme the premises, as long as the logbook is wrong, there's no real good coming out of it...
    I am afraid that Mr. Obama could not do and undo as he wanted (and yes, I believe he wanted), the ocean liner called USA already had a 'supreme goal'... blessed by god and as far as gods helps...
    And I don't believe that Mr. Bergoglio really wants to turn around and make women the next five cardinals!!!
    art4you 10/26/2013 12:09 PM
  • Hey Art, if you don't believe you can be Catholic and an anarchist, google Dorothy Day.
    jacker 10/25/2013 06:48 PM
  • It is NOT the mission of churches to feed the hungry, cloth the naked and house the homeless. This IS the mission of states and their governments. Churches may try to bring faith to people who want to be sheperded. And as long as every church/religion claims that their particular god is the only an the right one - the first and most important dogma - their will be fighting and war, and churches recluiting adepts by feeding some of the hungry, be clothing some of the not so naked and by housing some of the homeless.
    Sorry men, I thing Mr. Jaime Bergoglio may be doing a good work for the money and privileges he has, I don't know, he definetedly is more open minded in many ways, but I don't see Catholic Church changing, for me it is just a necessary cleaning up the most dirty corners.
    art4you 10/25/2013 03:54 PM
  • Churches are just like big corporations. Whatever works for the bottom line they will do.

    I am not Catholic and I am not religious. But I hope this Pope lives long enough to make some
    major changes in his church.
    bigfootsf 10/25/2013 12:05 PM
  • I was raised Roman Catholic. It was a bumpy ride as far as religion goes for me. When a Priest told me I was going to Hell for being gay, I told him to F__k Off! I never went back except weddings and funerals. I was denied the right to receive communion at these affairs.
    A few years ago at a Pride event I came across a booth, for the Old Catholic Church. I asked questions and the answers I receiver blew me away. 1st they don't follow the pope,2nd everyone is welcome, divorced, gay, transgender, straight, black, white, whether you have money to put in the collection basket or not, it doesn't matter. As long as you were baptized you can receive communion. It turns out the Priest and their partners are gay.
    In the past, I never had any use for the pope. It seems like their preaching only taught hate and prejudice to anyone that is different. Instead of preaching what God taught, Love respect and acceptance. This new pope seems to preach unity and not hate. I wish him well. Hopefully one day the Roman Catholic Church will accept everyone and not judge.
    KinkMaster 10/25/2013 11:32 AM
  • The nuns have remained way closer to the message of Jesus than the men in the Church.

    It is funny that when I became an active shareholder I became a supporter of the nuns. The Sisters of Charity and the Dominicans were some of the most frequent authors of shareholder resolutions for many of the stocks I owned. They submit them to limit executive pay, require corporations to list where political contributions go, curb experimentation on animals, eliminate pollution, etc. etc. I almost always found myself voting for the resolutions offered by the nuns.
    txholdup 10/25/2013 10:58 AM
  • Hey lay off the nuns. If there ever was a group that was abused, it was them. Back in the day the church used them as slave labor. They ran and taught in the schools. They received nada, but room and board. They taught and worked until they dropped, no matter what their age. I attended Catholic school for 12 years. And I don't regret a minute of it. It gave me a great foundation. We were mandated to take Logic. I still consider it to be the best class, I have ever taken. Yeah, I did get hit over the back with a pointer, have my knuckles rapped with a ruler, among other things. But I, most likely deserved everyone of them. Today, the Catholic Sisters of America are crusaders for the poor and social justice. So much so, that the National Conference of Bishops have demanded the Vatican stop them. They must be ruffling some large donors' feathers. Plus the Bishops want their cheap labor back. Any religion is comprised of human beings. When there are human beings, you have politics and power struggles.

    Francis is like John XXIII, a humble man.
    jacker 10/25/2013 10:40 AM
  • Quiltguy and I think alike. This pope also dismissed one of the Italian prelates who was essentially the Secretary of State for the Vatican. It was not uncommon for popes to be murdered especially in the Middle Ages when the Papacy was just a political state like any other. Quiltguy refers to the rumors swirling around the most recent rumored victim of poisoning.
    txholdup 10/25/2013 09:43 AM
  • How long will this man be Pope?
    bigfootsf 10/25/2013 01:13 AM
  • Religion has a bad history with all the wars involved, the inquisition, the crusades, the pedophile priests, etc. I find it especially difficult to trust the evangelical types of Christians we see these days.
    rjzip 10/25/2013 01:00 AM
  • I'm glad this Pope is "progressive". But as a rational free-thinking man of freedom, I don't really care about his or any religious rantings from someone who supposedly knows more about the fantasy world than me.
    PDQuesnell 10/24/2013 10:42 PM
  • "It will be a welcome change if the Church returns to the mission it once had of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, housing the homeless instead of building edifices that mock the poverty of most who use them." Amen to that.
    furball 10/24/2013 10:41 PM
  • I attended public school in Philadelphia but I had cousins who attended Catholic School. The stories of physical abuse by the nuns was appalling. For two thousand years the "Church" has been so very un-Christ like. The new pope is refreshing in that he is like a true apostle. But his church has a long way to go to get with the times.
    hisbiguy 10/24/2013 08:22 PM