If Trump becomes president where can I survive ww3?

If Trump becomes president where can I survive ww3?

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  • It is open car-window wether and a guy in his out-a-town licensed BMW is going crazy here in Manhattan because of the traffic. He is honking his horn and cursing at the top of his lungs. As I pass by the window I calmly say, “wow, you drove into Mid-town during rush hour and you’re caught in grid-lock… What a surprise.” You guessed it… The guy goes crazier. Now, to state my position on the election. I like Hillary. From what I read and observed, here in the state where she was a senator, I believe her to be intelligent, experienced, cunning, and has done a great deal more than most for the good of the majority especially those not at the top. Public plans and policy cost money and she know’s where to get the funding. She, like everyone of us has had to dance a bit at one time or another to get what is wanted and needed. We have also had to be politicians at work, at the supermarket, at home, etc just to keep the gears of our lives turning. Even then we don't always get it right. Mrs. Clinton is a politician. “Wow, What a surprise.” I don’t think anyone reading this could in reality do .001% as well as she. I trust the same group of us could do 1,000 times better than Mr. Trump and without cheating others. For those who repeat the accusatory phrase “Crooked Hillary Clinton” recognize it is perhaps because you have not enough imagination to speak independently for your self, you are a crowd follower, and you are sociologically stuck in traffic during rush hour. Vote for whomever you choose. However, have the courage of your convictions and stop looking for codependents to help you justify your position. If you do… then you’re just yelling in public while honking your horn and are being looked at as a damn fool.
    MachineToole 11/07/2016 12:53 AM
  • You can move to Canada and live in the woods with me. I'd never get out of you.
    COCKpittop 11/06/2016 02:19 PM
  • One of the two is not in bed with the FBI, Putin, Mercer and who knows who else. I may not like Clinton but she is not dealing with our enemies, asking our federal police to help rig an election based on a book written by the editor of a right wing conspiracy website paid for by the billionaire funding Trump and having a campaign manager and CEO paid for by the same billionaire. Let's not confuse who is dangerous and who we may just not agree with.
    barney290 11/06/2016 08:55 AM
  • Rocky, it is the best money can buy...
    art4you 11/05/2016 04:13 PM
  • The person who wins the presidency will be the one who truly represents a majority the people (IE: the citizenry) of our country. I find that prospect the most scary of all… It has been terrifying the rest of the world since 9/11 and longer.
    MachineToole 11/04/2016 07:14 PM
  • If he becomes president, kiss your sweet ass goodbye.
    fenwaydav 11/04/2016 03:41 PM
  • Trump only wins if we don't get out and vote!
    barney290 11/04/2016 08:56 AM