Election Results

I find it sort of sad when we get less than a 40% turn out for this last election cycle. We send our young men and women all over the world to die so others can exercise the right to vote and determine their governing officials. We tout how wonderful it is to be a Republic and support democratic elections yet we fail to follow our words with actions. I understand the frustration with our elected officials but to not even take the time to vote is mind boggling to me. Have we become so numb to the fact that there are people and organizations that are running this country and they count on the majority of Americans to sit on their hands and whine and complain but when it comes to doing something about it we act like the three monkeys! The biggest winners on Tuesday was not the GOP but Wall Street. More people were elected to office that openly support removing banking regulations, lifting sanctions for overseas corporations and putting more restrictions on the workers rights than anytime since the late 1890's. Dodd/Frank is already a target as is the NLRB and a bill to reduce the taxes on overseas profits and it is only Thursday.

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  • It frustrates me that independents seem to just reflexively vote for the party that doesn't hold the presidency in off-year elections. OK, I get that people are unhappy with DC. Believe me, I am, too. But good lord, just giving the GOP the keys to government is NOT the answer. Talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse!!!
    BearinFW 11/07/2014 12:08 AM
  • I agree with you Barney, it's disheartening that so many people neglected to vote and that those that did, seemingly a majority of them, voted for politicians who will not even advocate for their interests. :(
    furball 11/06/2014 08:05 PM
  • I agree with Barney and Luis. Our country is in trouble mostly because of greed and the financial insitutions that are based on it. The top 1% owns 40% of the wealth in this country. That statistic is worse than Czarist Russia was when the Russian Revolution was fought in 1917.

    And now the Citizens United decision by the corrupt members of the Supreme Court is accelerating the demise of our democratic republic. Corporations are NOT people and money is NOT free speech as they have said it is. The HUGE and OBSCENE amounts of money that the wealthy and corporations poured into this election are the result.
    rjzip 11/06/2014 02:08 PM
  • Barney you can't trust stats on polls. Especially when its SOOOOOO easy to manipulate those stats. One man went to some 20 different districts to vote, just to prove he could.

    Second you need to realize there are no good candidates. Every politician is out to make money ain't one that actually cares about this country. And even if they did the system isn't made in a way that it'll get better by one or two men the majority is needed
    doankyl 11/06/2014 12:23 PM