Southern Border

I am just curious how many are as outraged at the treatment of the immigrants at our southern border as I am? I would be interested to hear others opinions on this issue?

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  • Simple solution: lock up all the CEO and business men that hire them, including the president! And lock up any of us that patronize a place of business (landscaper, restaurants, hospitals, etc) unless all of their employees are e verified. And pray you never have to be put in a nursing home, because the only person of color you won't find working there is a white American.
    jacker 07/18/2019 12:17 AM
  • first of all, no one invited them to come here, why are they comming here? why don't they go south to brazil, argentina, uraguay and so on. They hear that they can get free housing, education, and health care, really? We can't even get that for our own citizens, who are here LEGALLY. Give me a break. The cry baby dems don't like trump and won't work with him, thats why there is a mess. Look at San francisco, LA and Sacramento, homelessness up 17% in orange county alone, needles allover the place and shit on the sidewalks and streets, sounds like 3rd world which the american people don't want. these politicians want the position, but don't want to work or take care of their responsibilities, and they should be fired and not get the benefits afterwards, they should collect unemployment like everyone else until they find another job.
    usukurim 06/28/2019 09:06 PM
  • The solution is simple. Do away with politics, adhere to the laws. Dam politicians do not do what is right for the country, only to satisfy the minion of their political party. Throw em all out, pass term limits, take away their privileged benefits including lifetime cost of living adjustments.
    Cutbobby 06/27/2019 06:39 PM
  • Funny that the Democratic party tends to complain about President Trump over reaching, and now complaining that he wont over reach to fix the border crises.

    Democrats in Congress refuse to fund beds for those detained then call it a humanitarian crisis.
    doankyl 06/26/2019 02:40 PM
  • Congress has to move and correct the situation. If they want to CHANGE the laws then they must go thru Congress. Otherwise the laws that are on the books are not being enforced. Congress has the power to change the situation but won't move on anything including illegal immigration. It's a shame what our elected officials are doing to our country with no regard for US law or our citizens.
    buzbuz 06/25/2019 09:15 AM