Time to Vote

I hope that after watching the horrific events last week and the lack of leadership shown by this administration people are going to make the effort to get out and vote? This is the time we as citizens can speak to power. In 2016 only 54% of the eligible voters in the US felt the need to cast a vote.

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  • @ furball does that mean it's Bernie Sanders fault for the congressional baseball shooter?
    doankyl 11/06/2018 02:34 PM
  • @barney, you'd think so. After the ACA passed, I volunteered to help people sign up. I thought that most people would know what it is, but surprisingly, despite the preceding year of intense coverage of it in the news, over half the people I encountered had no knowledge of it. The other volunteers found too that over half the people they helped had not heard of it. As horrific as the murders in Pittsburgh were, and the weirdness and scariness of the pipe bombs there are millions of people that these events just passed them by or peripherally they heard about them but it did not register. These millions are struggling, working their ass off to find money for food, gas, and wondering if they will have a roof over their heads. What's happening in other parts of the nation and world is just that: something someplace else. You feel for them. For people that follow the news and can be politically engaged, you could only follow these events and then read the nocuous and vapid responses from DC and think, "WTF?". If there's any silver-lining in this all, it does appear that voter turnout is higher than in past midterms, and mercifully this election it's the plurality of votes that will put people in office and not an archaic voting system that allows for the minority of votes to win.
    @Armydude21, yes.
    furball 11/03/2018 01:21 PM
  • So far Trump's leadership has gotten a lot done so not sure why the criticism. And since the Dems are really getting on board with socialism I'm going to have to say hard pass and vote Republican.
    doankyl 11/02/2018 11:18 AM