
I keep getting asked the same questions about my relationship with my partner whom I was with for 30 monogamous years. Was I originally attracted to him because he was a father figure? No, it went from someone I met to a close friend. Within a few months I had move in. It actually became a committed relationship within a year. We had differences but we always worked them out. Once or twice we had the chance for a threesome. Pretty much just rolled our eyes and telepathically said to each other, what were we thinking? Tom was my soulmate. If you're lucky enough that type of relationship with an older man or woman it comes with responsibility and the most life life changing event. When Tom fell and ended up with a subdural hematoma. I thought i was gonna lose him. I used up vacation time so I could camp out by his bedside. 2 years later drs found an abdominal aortal aneurism . Then he fell and broke his hip. A year later he found out he had a 34 lb tumor in his stomach. They gave him a 10% chance of success. He survived. Lost a kidney, part of his colon and had to use an ostomy bag. I changed the bag for him every other night. I could see the pain in his eyes so many times. I never thought much of the task. He would have done the same for me. Every day when I left for work, we exchanged a kiss and an I love you. After a year he decided to have his colon reattached. Unfortunately he got an infection and died. I had the DNR. Hardest thing I ever did. When they pulled the plug I was holding his hand, his sister the other. I was sitting down. At that moment I felt the loneliest I have ever felt in my life. The only way I can describe it was like I was still sitting in the room but it was just me, the chair and a vast white void. Utter loneliness. Everyone's life experiences are different. I can only relate to mine. Losing your soulmate is the most devastating, life changing event one can experience. When an older partner dies you have fear of being alone til you die because you compare every one to your soulmate. It's been about ten years now. I've had a few encounters that were great. But still, at times I just felt hollow afterwards. Sex was never the main focus in our relationship. Just a part. Would I have changed anything if I could go back in time. No. Losing a younger mate Is just as traumatic no doubt. Maybe worse. There are no easy answers or advice I can give. Everyone is different. All you can do is follow your heart. Love is ageless.

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  • I could feel your love in every sentence. I am sorry for your loss and hope one day you can find another to share your life with (if you haven't already). It won't be the same, it will be it's own unique thing. All the best to you, Sarge.
    rusrock007 08/22/2019 03:40 PM
  • I totally understand this, I too lost a older partner of 10 yrs, I also had to invoke a DNR having to make that discision is rough. With the help of My family and His, I made it through. That was 14 yrs ago and never a day do I ever regret being able to take care of him.
    I met a new person and after 3years we where living together. This past year he had a stroke, has been a long recovery but I am able to work and take care of him. I have always been connected to older men in my life. Would never ever have it any other way. Stay strong friend and remember KIND people are still out there. they find us just open your heart and remember the ones that taught us LOVE...
    hippygyspy 08/04/2019 10:56 AM
  • What a sad and lovely story. Thanks for sharing.
    furball 07/25/2019 09:20 PM