FUROLOGY101 By 1GoldenBear

One Of My Readers Reminded Me Of A Technique, I had forgotten. A good one too, for beginners that allows you to introduce the FUROLOGY 101 techniques to a Hairy Dad or Bear that takes no talk of explaining on the part of the Son/boy / bottom.

Here it is: Just touch your Mans body Fur with the LIGHTEST touch of lightness without touching his skin. Just rub his fur, ever so lightly all over. make sure he keeps his hand on his cock- NOT yours because it is a powerful link to letting you do much more with the cock connection because in intensifies his pleasure.

This is an EXCELLENT way to introduce the body Hair stimulation technique. After five minutes he'll probably let you use you ORAL skills so Get on his dick next and don't let him come do it till you "Sense" he is getting ready -- then stop and go back to more touching and some (Nibbling/Sucking)
Fur. I believe THIS silent foreplay is the best way to teach him what it is all about.

I'm so happy to share this insight to all of you. In the past few Blogs I've struggled with how to get a Hairy Guy to let you "Practice" on him. I suggested some ideas that were frankly awkward and unsuccessful, My apologies. Here is the best way to get what we crave. Happy foraging,Bon appetit.


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