Poll: What Do You Think Of This New Pride Flag?

Designer Daniel Quasar from Oregon has come up with a new design for the rainbow flag. This flag puts white, pink, light blue, brown, and black stripes in an arrow over the more recognizable six-striped rainbow flag.

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  • just like everything within the gay community-there is change. a flag doesn't make or break us as LGBTQ individuals.
    PIGluver 05/15/2019 09:44 PM
  • The impression I get from the design of the new flag seems to be an encroachment on the existing political order established through years of tears to the rainbow's end , the pot of gold being the obliteration of second-hand citizenship. This expanded LGBTQRSTUV is making a retrograde impact on our POLITICAL and CULTURAL Homosexual Personality. The impact of your introduction of Tones and Quasar designer colors introduces the idea of an expansion in our Homosexual {{as in GAY VOTE }}
    Menu. ~~~Keep our flag until all flags are gone with the wind.
    Baron4 07/20/2018 09:38 PM
  • According to this article... it appears that a "Pride" flag is only for GLBTQ people of color. Apparently, there's no such thing as a gay white person or else, they would have put a white stripe in it.

    https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2017/6/15/if- … re-problem

    The original rainbow should be as enough symbol to Rise Above Hate. Instead, our own community is only hurting us by making a stupid flag for only, a certain group of people...
    LoneWolfe 07/06/2018 07:47 AM
  • Im sure there has to be other artists that can come up with a different design.
    Thresher3 07/05/2018 02:43 PM
  • I write this here today because this is an old blog and thus old news so that no one will read it. I was told that the new flag was designed for or by a flag manufacturer… big surprise in this world of Trump. I attended the Gay Pride Parade yesterday here at The Plaza in Santa Fe. The inevitable changes in the Supreme Court and in this land has shaken me to the core. Hiding behind my large Canon camera I bawled uncontrollably. Will this all change, I thought? The LGBT VFW were passing by tossing-out the rainbow beads. One soldier in a wheelchair rode up to me, took my hand and put a lavender strand in it then took off. I think he was the only one who noticed. I saw him nowhere on The Plaza afterwords in this, the first Capitol City in the US.
    MachineToole 07/01/2018 02:20 PM
  • The green line is no more Irish than the any of the other colors being specific to any other group. The spectrum of all colors represents the the array of all people. The rainbow flag logo represents homosexuals who are a part of ‘all people,’ or are currently legally considered as such in this land of “truth, justice, and the American way.” As of Justice Kennedy announcing his resignation, the Supreme Court is most certainly going to become even more conservative than before and many previously achieved human rights will consequently be diminished. How about not bitching so much about the colors of a long standing and proud symbolic flag and let’s start displaying some pride in who we are as people. We have achieved a great deal over our long hard and deadly fight even though we have those, even here on DD, who think we have not accomplished anything at all. Too many ‘even here’ know too little of our history: of how our community had to hide who we truly were or be arrested and shamed in public, loose employment, and housing. How many of you ever suffered the pain of the death of loved ones while the country said “It’s god’s punishment,” or saw these suffering men with lesions tossed out by family members who were ashamed that people might know about their sons and brothers. How many dear dying friends were used as lab rats for doctor’s painful but profitable experiments ‘in an effort to find a cure’ even though the experiment failed time after time after time. How many of you were beaten up while the police looked the other way, smirking as they muttered, “those stupid faggots.” NO! IT IS NOT JUST A FLAG! Many of us spilled blood, and were jailed, and suffered things many of you think were just fairytales in books. Well, boys, like the holocaust it was real and people died horrible deaths because of the cruelty set upon us by others who still think they are superior. Don’t diminish the truth of the past. Don’t diminish the truth of our achievements. Don’t diminish the symbol of all of our pride because you are just bored and need a change. What is it to you who were not the parent to this painful birth? Just be glad you are loved members of the family. So now brothers, are you going to have the balls to fight like hell to keep what you were so graciously bestowed when ‘they’ slowly, bit by bit, try to take it away from all of us? Hope, as do I, that I am the hysteric and not the prophet.
    Happy Gay Pride from here in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
    MachineToole (How)
    MachineToole 06/30/2018 02:27 AM
  • You know what they say IF IT NOT BROKEN WHY FIX IT
    BEARONTHEHUNT 06/29/2018 01:42 PM
  • Personally I don't like it. If someone wants to use it then good for them but I have an emotional attachment to the Rainbow flag. I always saw it as inclusive anyway.
    jad8205 06/21/2018 07:12 AM
  • It's absolutely beautiful, but what does the green line stand for in the original rainbow flag? Irish homosexuals?
    Pavement 06/21/2018 12:10 AM
  • Not a fan of the new flag. It's ugly no matter what meaning may be behind it.
    COCKpittop 06/20/2018 12:44 AM
  • The original is the status quo, it embraces all gay cultures, so now we have to single out individual sub cultures, I totally disagree, if it's not broken, don't try and fix it. Just sayin
    celticbud 06/19/2018 10:47 AM
  • The pride flag is about many things, inclusion being one. But our community has failed. So if a redesign helps heal those issues, great.
    uncleb 06/17/2018 10:27 PM
  • The reason we have the Rainbow flag is it is honor of the assignation of Harvey Milk. One of his political volunteers designed the flag right after the assignation and it has been the one significant designation for the entire gay community ever since. It is all inclusive and is the one thing everyone around the world recognizes as the flag of our community. It is a significant part of history and heritage and should be respected and not changed.
    barney290 06/17/2018 09:53 AM
  • What is the reason for complicating something that is so basic, universally recognizable, and thus easily adaptable? The additional colors are divisive not inclusive. Each subgroup may show self expression as each of us are different from each other but all human. The full visible spectrum is a metaphor for all of humankind. The graphic logo making up the rainbow flag is a part of that entire array of colors has become a banner representing gay pride. As long as any banner indicates self expression for good as opposed to hate it should be rejoiced, otherwise it is a strong indicator to question the reasonings of the antagonist.
    MachineToole 06/16/2018 01:42 PM
  • Dman923, the white, pink and blue are the colors of the "transgender flag", the brown signifies Latino, and the Black is for blacks (or POC).
    https://thegavoice.com/community/newly-proposed-p … -applause/
    greyhawk 06/15/2018 10:19 PM
  • Why did he add those colors? Do they signifiy anything in particular??
    dman923 06/15/2018 07:34 PM
  • I'm not a fan of even having a flag in the first place honestly. It's unnecessary, always has been. On top of that look at how many flags have been made for the so called "community" of ours. You have the bear flag, trans flag, queer flag etc. Also lumping everyone together because of their sexual proclivities doesn't work. How many homosexuals feel alienated from the "community" simply because of religious beliefs or political beliefs? Or because they don't fit the click of a particular sub group?
    doankyl 06/15/2018 11:58 AM
  • The Pride Flag included everybody, from all walks of life. It wasn't meant ONLY for gays or lesbians or bisexuals or trangenders or queer or white or.... it was designed to be inclusive of ALL. Now we're going to start carving it up to pay special tributes? Why?
    Our community is already so divisive, I'm surprised we can pull together long enough to arrange a parade. Next the S&M community will want their own symbol on the flag, then the Asians, then each nation. "We need to know we're represented!". Honey, that's why the original flag. So we'd ALL be included sans "special mention".
    greyhawk 06/14/2018 09:31 PM