YouTube videos

Not sure if you ever go to YouTube to check on how to videos or not, this is rant on some of those posted.
Why do people have a title "How to (do this)" and then they don't tell you how they did it? Just show a bunch of video of them walking around showing the finished product with some crappy music playing.
Then of course there are those who yap on and on before getting to the meat of the topic. YouTube should have a Tivo type option to scroll through the crap. Yeah I know you can just click on the bar and move forward, but it might give the uploaders something to think about before posting crap.
Last is the commercial videos. They don't tell you how they did it, "Buy the kit from us and we'll send you all the info"
I guess they are looking for their brief moment of attention.
Rant off - please return to your normal activities.

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